Project Scope

  • Branding

  • Logo Design

  • Social Design

  • Email Design

ArchView Properties

As the creative force behind ArchView Properties' visual identity, I embarked on a journey to create a logo that encapsulates the essence of architectural elegance, blending retro charm with a touch of luxury. The logo's centerpiece is a beautifully arched shape, meticulously crafted to resemble a window frame, symbolizing the gateway to extraordinary spaces. To exemplify the arch, both the A and H are created with the same arch as the logo.

I also created a collection of different window types within the arch as accompanying elements, celebrating the diverse architectural designs found throughout history. This juxtaposition of window styles within the arch creates a harmonious balance between nostalgia and contemporary sophistication. I was also able to use the arch to create a repeating pattern, evoking a sense of timelessness and enduring beauty.

Magazine Designs

For the magazine designs, including flyers, I chose to exclusively utilize our sans-serif body font. This decision was influenced by the substantial amount of text present. My aim was to prevent the text from becoming overly overwhelming and to enhance its overall coherence. Additionally, considering that the address, while important, doesn't serve as a dominant header, I opted to reserve the serif font exclusively for email headers and titles in advertisements. This approach ensures a balanced and visually pleasing composition.

Flyers and Email Campaign Designs

For a second iteration of email designs, we opted for a revised footer with a more standardized layout. Additionally, we moved the footer's color scheme to the email header and strategically incorporated captivating photos as a central element of the design. This revamped approach resulted in a noteworthy 15% increase in click-through rates.

Social Media Designs


SFS Esports Branding


Esports Production Assets